Dear Editor- Allow me space to express my views on the current dilemma of short bus routes in our city. It has come to my attention that bus driver's and conductors are using the ongoing traffic jams in our town to reap our good citizens of their hard earned money. Work on the major upgrade of Honiara's main Kukum highway road and Honiara City Council roundabout is making it hard for our roads to accomodate the traffic volume therefore buses chose short bus routes to tackle the long ride.

I believe those using public transportation such as buses are frustrated over these short routes. We need a reliable public transport service that will meet the needs of our travelling population.

In order to get to KGVI, one has to travel on three to four buses before reaching their final destination. Imagine those whos reside at White River and how many buses they have to get in and out of before they reach KGVI. This is unnecessary and not everyone can afford such expenses.
What's worse is the bus fares are not standardized. Student's are charged $3 even though there's are big 'sign' board' stating the normal rates for adults and students.

My point here is, how can we voice our concern to responsible authorities and who is responsible for such issues affecting our population. Short bus routes is affecting the daily budget of families and the overall population of this country. I think it is high time that responsible authorities like the government and Honiara City Council enforce public transport regulations for bus services. The solution to this issue comes back to the regulatory authorities.


Chaniella Meke