Dear Editor,
We demand the MP for East Central Guadalcanal Mr Joseph Onika to inform and update his good constituents about his visions and plans and what he has been doing until now as far as governance and economic development is concern in his Constituency. It has been two years since and Mr Onika seems disappear in thin air.
Mr Onika we the constituents of East Central Guadalcanal need information on a lot of issues. We need information on governance and what policies you have established in line with government policies to support development in the constituency. We need information on the decisions you make on funding allocations to the constituency including the constituency development fund, the Rural Livelihood Fund, Millennium Fund, the Micro-Fund, the Tourism Fund, the Cocoa and Coconut Fund, the Fishery Fund, the Funding for Women and Youths, the Forestry fund, funding under the Ministry of Mines and Energy and funding under the Parliamentary entitlements regulation. We demand that you provide reports on all the funding's that you have used so far for the purpose of transparency and accountability. If you have done so, could you please provide these for us the public? I find it absurd to say the least why the public have not been given access to these reports. Do not tell us to go to the relevant Ministries concern.
While on that we need to know if there is a Constituency strategic policy framework, a medium term development plan, a long term development plan or any document that outline the visions and missions of developing East Central Guadalcanal. If there is, what are your policy plans for sectoral development as in Health, Education, Forestry, Agriculture, Fishing, Cultural development to name a few. What have you been doing to support the development of early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary education apart from giving a few dollars to pay for books and pencils for East Central Guadalcanal students attending USP (Honiara Campus) and (SICHE). What are your policies and what have you been doing to develop the health sector within the constituency. What are your policies with regards to forestry and fishing? We have a lot of questions that need answers and we demand that you schedule a Constituency tour so you can inform us about these concerns. You can also initiate a constituency radio programme on our national broadcaster SIBC, perhaps quarterly to update the people with Constituency news and information. It needs creativity and innovation on your part.
We understand that the role of an MP apart from being a legislator and policy maker is to represent the views of his people. Representation is a word that comprise not only as a voice during parliamentary debates but to develop constructive participatory governance within the constituency level. I believe that in order to support participatory governance it is very important that you as the MP continue to keep constituents informed of the happenings and issues from within the government and how government decisions (will) implicate on the development of East Central Guadalcanal constituency. Not only that but establish policy guidelines as to how you will tackle and address issues affecting the constituency. Take a look at community policing. Under the NCRA's policy framework the government is very much cautious of the need to establish community policing presence within communities throughout the country. Mr. Onika, if you are not aware, let me remind you that the East Central Guadalcanal constituency is in dire need for a police post. It is with awe that no one ever realizes this. Since the ethnic crisis the rate of crime and illegal activities within the constituency continue to grow and it is indeed a grave concern especially for the women and children who no doubt are always the ones who suffer from these criminal activities. We need a police post or a police station in East Central Guadalcanal to support efforts in maintaining curbing criminal activities and maintaining law and order. Do not tell us that it is the failure of preceding MPs. You are now the mandated MP therefore we expect more from you than buying of rice and noodle for constituents.
There are many more issues which I wish to elaborate on but perhaps I will leave it for next time. I wish not to talk about the issue of funding allocation now but will leave it for next time so I may specifically focus on each funding. In the meanwhile let me ask Mr Onika to respond to this. The last thing we want is to take you to court over these concerns and especially when it comes to the use and abuse of constituency development funding's.
Martin Matea
East Central Guadalcanal
Mr. Joseph Onika, WHERE ARE YOU?
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Martin Matea and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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