Thanks for allowing me space to share this little thought in reference to the above'women form political party.
Thumps-up for the courage and vision displayed by the women who engineered and teamed up to form a new Women Political Party-'Peace, Oneness and Prosperity Party'. Let's hope the voters will absorb the party's ideologies as we head to the polls come June.
I personally believe, it is high time we have balance thoughts or opinions on matters of national interests; whether it be political, social, economical or otherwise in higher decision making body such as parliament. This is so because what every decision is made up there (parliament) affects and will continue to affect every living and yet to be born Solomon Islands souls now and in decades to come. Therefore, give it a go women, you can make it.
Just one little reminder, please, if you do not win seats in this up-coming election, you should not stop there but work for 2014. Now it seems to be a bit late (I'm sorry for this view). Voters will change their attitudes by then I think.
Meanwhile, thumps-up and throttle full-speed ahead with all necessary preparations. You can do it.
You can also work alongside men in every works of life. Women in other parts of our
planet did it, you can do it as well.
Once again, Good Luck comes June.
Isaac Kirisadudu
Women Political Party Formed
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Isaac Kirisadudu and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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