Dear Editor,
Come next wednesday we would be anticipating the judicial outcome of the most debated PEC awards. In the same token, i wish to also hail and salute MP Abana and wife on their brave stand, and hope they hold true to their words and not falter. Let the cries of every humble citizen of solomon islands be heard in this manner, through the sacrifice of their respective parliament representatives. People of Fataleka should be proud indeed. I wish upon stars that other MP's and their spouse would do likewise. It goes to show indeed a man of philosophy and honor who has compassion and sincerety for his people and that of the nation. We have had an insight of what terrible consequences 'debts' can do to our very soul, as was written in the anectdotal by professor Kabutaulaka. So lest we forget every individual, likewise, our leaders, when term of parliament ends, PART NOT WITH YOUR DEBTS.
Part not with your debts
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Katie Fono and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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