Dear Editor,
I would also like to join other to acknowledge the very bold and exemplified step taken by MP Steve Abana in publicly announcing his stance on the PEC entitlements. Like others, I was also hoping that the PM and the DPM would have taken the lead to forfeit their awards since they have argued so much that PEC is independent of the Government - then again 'hu na bae les lo seleni'.
MP Abana represents the new breed of leadership with communal-based mindset in the Solomon Islands - thus the type of young leaders / people we should look forward to have more of comes 2010 elections.
I proudly profess my admiration for MP Steve Abana as his actions represent my thoughts of what a leader (s) should be in a country like ours. In this present times, many people who opt to do the right things often find themselves isolated from the rest - hence I would not be surprised is no other MPs join Honorable Abana in his stance.
Once our leaders start changing their mindsets publicly towards such self-serving prospects, then the PEOPLE will also change their mindsets. It is vital to see leadership through the eyes of the followers.
Once again, I take my hat off for MP Steve Abana and may he be rest assured that his action definitely spoke more loudly, clearly and strongly than the mere words of other MPs that have supposedly condemned the latest PEC awards adjustments.
MP Abana Forfeits Awards
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Andrew and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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