The Earth Island Institute is against the trade in dolphins. There is nothing wrong with that. There is another side to the argument but it is a perfectly reasonable position to hold. Where, however, Mark Berman is wrong is to link the "dolphin safe" program operated by most of the tuna industry with SIG's decision to allow the export of a few dolphin each year.
When tuna companies mark their product "dolphin safe" they are saying that they take care not to catch dolphin when they are fishing for tuna. They are not saying there should be no trade in dolphins. The two issues are totally unrelated as Mr Berman knows full well. His attempts to link the two are nonsensical and illogical.The tuna industry is not affected in any way because a few dolphin are caught and exported. By all means be against it but don't claim it has anything to do with the contents of your tin of Taiyo!
Dolphin safe
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Andrew Radclyffe and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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