Dear Editor,
I just want to express my view on the above subject. Most of the houses in Honiara are skyrocketing in terms on rental rates as well as market value and market price on homes/houses that are sold. According to the 2006 Census on Housing in Honiara (within the City Boundary) there were 5000 detached houses, but in overall there are 7000 dwellings throughout Honiara overall including temporary and semi-permanent houses, flats, plus residential accommodation incorporated into business premises. Most of these houses are put out for rental/lease. But many are without proper appraisal only few were appraised by the qualified appraisers/valuers.
Some of the houses are very high in terms of rental and market value that one can not afford, though their pair of comparables or features are not really vigorous or fit for such rate or market value to be placed on, but most clients and tenants go on paying properties (houses) without knowing that some so-called valuers/appraiser charged them very high.
Therefore, I call upon the government to work on the "Valuers Bill 2009" that yet to be tabled/passed to pass and gazette as soon as possible so that all payment or rental of houses and other properties should be charged only in the hands of those that are qualified. Because the so-called valuers are crooking the poor clients and tenants for the past years to pay in an excessive amount which is a criminal practiced in most countries.
But while waiting for the Bill to be gazette I do want to inform you the clients (house owners) within the city boundary (not outside) to the appraisers/valuers and those who intend to rent or those who want to buy a house or even land: For you especially the tenants/buyers, you have to know that the house you want to purchase or rent must be appraised by a qualified person not the so-called ones. Also do ask your landlord that his/her house is appraised by qualified people. Because for your information if you do not know, most houses in Honiara that were sold and rented/leased for some years back were without proper appraisal. Appraisal is an estimate or opinion of value based on supportable evidence and approved methods. It can also be described as an analysis, opinion, or conclusion relating to the nature, quality, value, or utility of specified interest in, or aspects of, identified real estate (houses). Appraisal covers a variety of assignments including valuation, consulting and review by a qualified appraiser. This is method used for all properties including house to put on the market price. Therefore, if the so- called valuers don't cover these do not trust them. Also keep in mind that there are only few qualified ones. So be still and watch, and wait for the Valuers Bill to be gazette.
Many Houses in Honiara Are Without Proper Appraisal
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Morris Tora and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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