Dear Editor;
Thank you very much for allowing space online to cater for personal comments and suggestions.
Now, regarding the above topic, I'd like to raise it to critical analysis.
From what I understand, currently, Solomon Islands government sponsored students studying at the University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus are now having an Education attach'e in place to deal with students' welfare issues.
The first point I'd like to make here is; why is that students are confused of the attach'e's roll? Will there be any formal presentation of credentials by the Ministry of education to clarify this?
This is because as of now the Solomon Islands Students Association is still waiting to receive any confirmation from the responsible authorities to come over to Fiji and formally introduce the attach'e's role to the students.
Hence, how can students' matters be dealt with properly when their attach'e's role is still unclear?
The reason behind such questions is that, instead of helping out students, difficulty is created instead. An example can be seen in dealing with the case of students who are being terminated, especially providing them with transport costs to Nadi.
Hence, to take us back, it will be very obvious and common to assume that the attach'e's role is not right from the very beginning. In other words, something must be wrong with the posting.
Solomon Islands, are we still following democratic procedures or is it just pure corruption? How come an education attach'e's credentials not presented?
Eductation Attach'e' role not clear.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Jordan Bau and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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