Dear editor, thank you so much for allowing me space to share my view on the SIPEU log of claims, the PEC/PER and Parliamentarians entilements.
If there is anything that one should be upset of, then the comments made by the honourable PM on friday last week upsets many. The lasts week's media release by Hon. PM on SIBC, to me is not only irrational but also very unconstructive and bias. People of such calibre should exhibit something better.
Firstly, the Hon. PM stressed that the PEC through the PER's decision to award the execcessive entilements to MPs in this economical hardtimes was referred to the High Court to find out whether the decsions made by the PEC through the PER is constitutional.
The question is, who would not know that the PEC/PER decision is constitutional? Everyone knows that the decision is costitutional. The problem is not about the legality of the decsion rather it was about the affordablity of SIG, given this economical hard times, that we the ordinary people of this country are so concerned of.
Is it another way of diverting the responsibilty of approval of those entitlements to the law? Are the legal institutions/frameworks and etc made for the benefit of others and leaving the poor go poorer? In this case the MPs are benefiting at expense of the people of Solomon islands.
In that same media release, the Hon. PM when referring to SIPEU/Public Servants said and I qoute "don't bite the hands that feed you". This is a very harsh, irrational, unconstructive and very bias words that comes from such a highly respected person.
To me, the Public Servants whom SIPEU represents are not only fed by the government as they too feed the government in return. In case the Hon. PM don't know, the Public servants are the ones who help the government survive through their tireless effort to implement government plans and policies. Without them the goverment would starve. One evidence, is when the aviation went on strike for only hours on the 23rd of August, passengers were stranded in Nadi and Brisbane. Revenue that should have been collected and used to feed the government was not collected. I believe if the Customs also went on strike, the government would have lost millions of dollars in just 2 or 3 hours.
Given that sort of relationship, I believe the Hon. PM would have put himself in a better possition that demands respect if he talked rational and unbiasely consider the two way traffic that exists between the Public Servants and the Government. To me it is a sort of vice versa relationship and the Hon. PM should humbly understand.
In his last words the Hon. PM said that the SIPEU claims will be considered by the government and went on to say it will be a question of affordability.
My good God, knowing that the decision of the PEC is constitutional and the MPs entitlements will surely be found by High Court as constutional then the SBD$150,000.00 for MPs and SBD$50,000.00 for MPs spouses will stand as decided by the PEC.
Shouldn't question of affordability also be applicable to the MPs and their spouses? or are they getting from money from outer space?
In my humble view, the Public Servants deserve better than the MPs spouses.
Don't bite the hands that feed you!
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Charles Koroni and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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