Foreign Reserves
I'm just wondering whether IMF had paid money or capital to help our depleting foreign reserve, this is because here in Fiji IMF last week had paid Fiji's 190 million dollars (equivalent to 800 million SBD). The purpose of this assistance to help member countries to the path of economic recovery in this global financial crisis. I don't know why our central bank Governor is not making any press statement regarding this very very important assistance. Here in Fiji their reserve bank governor report this in their media and to the public just one day after IMF had deposited these funds into their economy, I urge our Government to please follow this up with CBSI and IMF. and see that that we benefited from this assistance as Solomon Islands is one member of the IMF family.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Andy and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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