As a Solomon Islander I totally disagree with the exportation of dolphins if that report is true. I am not a scientist or a person who studies dolphins but I believe that the exportation of dolphins affects the health of each mammal. For instance, some of the first dolphins exported to Mexico died, this shows that they are not suitable for exportation as they may not used be used to the atmosphere there.
Why not use them as tourist attractions rather than sending them overseas? To those that are exporting those dolphins, imagine if you were exported as animals in a cage to Dubai, quite similar to what the dolphins are put into. Dubai is a Middle Eastern country where the temperature and environment is totally different from the Solomon Islands.
Come on guys why not do some useful planning, the Visitors bureau should come into these by marketing the dolphins in Solomons so that people do not have to engage in dolphin export.
We need to look at the bigger picture guys? Should we allow a small group of people to benefit, with their small group of cronies or work towards something that will benefit whole of the Solomon Islands.
No to dolphin exportation
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Davidson Ben and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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