Dear editor,
I want you to allow me just to say few words with regards to the above issue.
Concerning the issue of Mr.Maeliau's teaching For sure I am from north malaita and I follow the teaching of Michael maeliau.
The gospel arrived in malu'u, ae Na tha wanekao, where I lived. As a result, SSEC will always remember this date 14 July as the birth date of South Sea Evangelical church. To be honest my great great grandfathers were the ones that protected Peter Ambuofa from other clans' men who wanted to kill him for introducing a foreign god, when he brought the gospel which spread through out the nation of Solomon Islands.
Peter Ambuofa's prime intention to go over to Queensland was to bring a rifle to shoot a person liable for committing an act of disrespect as far as the culture of north Malaita was concern. But his original intention was eliminated in the power of the gospel of Christ. He instead brings Christ the Son of the living. Through Ambuofa, God used him to bring down the strong wall of culture, paganism and ancestral worship.
Today SSEC wanted to eliminate this part of Malaita (northern region) from SSEC leadership authority. Claiming they were sight tracked by the teaching of Maeliau from the main stream doctrine of SSEC. This brought a big question to my mind. If you go to other parts of the world except PNG, you hardly heard of this Name SSEC out there. If you trace the origin of SSEC you will always come back to north Malaita. So my suggestion is this; can the current leaders of SSEC use a different name to represent their doctrine and leave the SSEC or SSEM to the movement in north Malaita. Or do not use this name SSEC to describe any of these two parties. Because if you talk about SSEC we the north Malaitans know it well than others.
SSEC is not an organization but it is just an evangelist mission movement to our nation. For sure we will not let Michael Maliau alone though we were expelled from SSEC. The vision we have will not be deprived at any rate, it shall be voiced out from the ends of the earth at all cost and means. Regardless of the fact that we were expel from SSEC, the life we live and the vision we got will not be taken away, because we already have other explanation to such action.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Chris Wanekao and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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