One Steve S Kapivio needs to be reminded that no-one has disputed the quality of services that USP provides to its students, let alone demean the calibre of its lecturers in running its courses. It is therefore unnecessary for Steve Kapivio to remind everyone in this forum that "USP is a professional tertiary institution and is recognized world-wide and should not be undermined with regards to education".
The facts supplied about USP are common knowledge! What is also general knowledge amongst Solomon Islanders particularly during the last two years (2008 and 2009) is that almost 50-100 Solomon Islands students (on average) are terminated from USP alone because they do not achieve the required academic standard set by the regional university. This trend is rising and is of great concern to both tax-payers in the country and aid donors that 'shoulder' failing students' tuitions and living allowances.
In case Steve Kapivio is not aware, the crux of the failing students' case is not related so much to the calibre of USP as an institution. Nobody questions this, nor is there anyone in this thread who has categorically undermined the institution. It would be naive for anyone to do this. Only the uneducated mind might indulge in such debate. As far as I am aware, the contributors who have debated on the issue did not mention anything like that. Why should they undermine such a university? I am of the view that the contributors in this forum are not an authority to pass judgments on universities. Rather the urgent issue that have been raised by some writers in this forum has been the need to determine why the Solomon Islands students studying at this regional university have failed their courses.
You could forever identify and discuss as many reasons as you possibly could to explain the reasons why students generally fail their courses at any institution around the globe. And use such generalisations to explain the failing students case. But at the end of the day, what needs to be established is context-specific data/information that capture the fate of 40-70 plus Solomon Islands students who failed their 100 and 200 level courses last semester at the USP!
Response to Steve Kapivio: Why
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of JONE FIRUPAITALA and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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