Dear editor, please allow me a space to comment on the above issue. While MPs continue to fill their pockets, we the student studying here reap their greedy action. By yesterday, the bus and taxi fares of Fiji increased by around 25%. So this means another huge off set. Previously, food, text books and rent were increased, but now is the transport. While we continue to face these problems, the government, the minister, PS, NTU and NTC crosses their legs and wait to terminate more students. We where aware that the students' rep had lodge a no cut to our allowance request before we receive our allowance, but the PS had respond with a NO in this online news. After that, I do not know whether there is another request or not yet. The thing is, our problem is not how the ministers see it, and it has a direct impact to our studies. So wait there and ready to terminate us as the only thing the government will do to our request.