I fail to see any genuine reasons why the defeated MPs should be entitled to a large amount of money ($550,000) and their wives getting $50,000 dollars each.
Solomon Islands is still struggling economically to get back on her two feets, and very house who make very decisions to surface MV Solomon are doing otherwise. So sad that they are now only representing themselves, their wives and their children. My goodness can't they think before they come up with such junks in the honorable house. Solomon Islands need leaders who will not sit dow with folded hand in front of their country's vast problems....they are now serving themselves and their wives, not the people they represent....ting ting good lelebet oketa big boss....
MP Entitlements & their Wives' Previleges
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Wanetolo and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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