Dear Editor,
My brief article you published yesterday relating to press freedom and my reference to "relevance efficiency" was slightly tongue in cheek, but it was still intended to carry a strong message about the apparent loss of previously published information at a crucial time when the locally appointed members of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission are said to be preparing for the first hearings and sourcing information and materials that could have relevance to their important work.
There are already those who have claimed the legislation providing for the TRC lacks the "teeth" to allow for testimony to be used in evidence against any individual alleged to have committed criminal acts during the time of the so-called "ethnic tension" but are we now experiencing the deliberate cleansing of possible documentary material from those who might have information to aid the TRC?
Yours Sincerely,
Frank Short
Freedom of the Press and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Frank Short and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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