University of Honiara
Let me clarify to the public and especially to the two writers who seem to be barking out of their nose into the issue of "University of Honiara". First the writer of the two articles was in fact Mr. Dennis Adonis, a dubious investor claimed he was from Guyana. From record we have he is from Nigeria. He was an investor who had ventured into many types of business. Currently he claim to be the Vice Chancellor of the unknown University of Honiara, an institution that has never been recognized or sanctioned by the Government of Solomon Islands. His proposed busines interest in Solomon Islands is to establish an online University called the University of Honiara. He was well known for his fraud case against a company in the United States and later fled to New Zealand under the name Dennis Adonis. From his bio date he claim to have vast experience on areas including e learning, content management and academic development, was honored by the Government of Barbados for extensive contribution to the development of copyright control in the country, recognized by the United Nations-ICA and work with the Government of Jamaica.
A verification carried out by our office with concerned countries shows information that are contrary to his bio data information. He also claimed to be the Principal Director of Melville College, has been a manager in various institution and also once serve as Vice Chancellor of the University of St Lucia. A background check revealed that this is all scam. Now he is trying to get in to Solomon Islands with the proposed university issue.
One thing for certain is that the office of the Registrar of Foreign Investment has his application pending until our office establish the true identity of this person and his organization. Solomon Islands cannot afford another international embarrassment as we had some years back. I am quite surprise to see and learn how this dubious person try to conceal his track by posting letters under different names. At one stage this dubious person try to bribe some of our officials to get his application cleared. Because I reveal his identity, he is now trying to discredit my integrity on any online service providers. Mr. Dennis Adonis claimed to have graduated with a Military Degree in Investigative software Development from the United States Bureau of Investigation or FBI. He has never got pass the degree level and now he is claiming to the Vice Chancellor, a post always reserved for Phd graduates with vast experience on academic issues.
If one wants to see his bio data, and his education including his work experience, one can contact the office of the Investment Division. His Bio Data is given to us from no one but Mr. Dennis Adonis himself. Quite a colorful CV. Our divisions intention is clear and that is, we would NOT object investments that would result in Solomon Islands benefiting from it. However, not all investments are glitters. The Foreign Investment Office has a clear mandate to both promote Solomon Islands to international investors and at the same time ensure that investors are genuine.
University of Honiara
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Felix Billy and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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