Dear Editor,
I want to repond to Solo from Suva who claims that Chiefs in North Malaita are working together with Police to bring Mr. Edmund Sae to face justice.
Solo your assertion has no base. If chiefs are supporting police in their efforts, then I believe this person will have already been thrown into the Rove cells.
The chiefs may talk postively but the community may not want to support the police. Remembers chiefs are only few or one individual in the community.
This kind of attitude is also ripe in Honiara (Matariu, Boederline, Koa Hill you name it). When police persue suspects in these communities in Honiara, people in the communities become silent.
Recently two police polices were cowardly attacked because they were on duty/responsibility in the Boardline area. The officers were assulted right in their station of duty.
To blame the police on the non arrest of ES does not reflect what is happening on the ground.
Thank your for publishing this article.
Dangerous Escapee
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Wilson Luwii and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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