Dear Sir,
I am lost, to say the least, that the Hon Prime Minister was singled out as having been responsible for awarding the $4.9 million contract to ANTECH to supply computers to schools.
Some documents that fell off the back of the truck I cited suggested that the matter occurred well before Dr Derek Sikua assumed the mantle of prime ministership.
In fact, the documents I saw, implied that former Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare's stand against awarding the contract to Antech led to the walkout by Hon Gordon Darcy Lilo from the Sogavare government.
One of the letters, penned by Sogavare in his capacity as Prime Minister, said something to the effect that the release of the funds should be withheld and that perhaps the Embassy of the Republic of China, Taiwan, should select the supplier.
Unfortunately, Hon Sogavare's intervention came in too late as the money had been given to Antech direct from the Central Bank.
It is totally unfair in my view to suggest that the incumbent [prime minister] awarded the contract for the supply of the computers.
I join others in urging the Hon Minister for Education and Human Resources Development to up his antennae on the matter so that it could be laid to rest?
Alfred Sasako
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Alfred Sasako and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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