As an organization that strives to achieve excellence in corporate governance, the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) is again delivering the Essential to Directorship Programme.
The four-day programme got started at the Heritage Park in Honiara on Tuesday 27 April with twenty-five participants from various sectors including senior representatives from State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), the private sector and the public sector.
SICCI has been delivering the Essential to Directorship Programme since 2018 in partnership with the Institute of Directors, New Zealand (IODNZ).
Two programmes were delivered in 2018 and one in 2019. The 4th Directorship Programme was initially planned for 2020, however, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic it was delayed until this month and for the first time this year’s programme is delivered online.
This programme offers a comprehensive introduction to boardroom governance. It exposes participants to international best-practice in developing organisational strategy, oversight of finance, managing risk and assessing performance.
Delivering his remarks at opening day on Tuesday 27th April, SICCI Chairman, Ricky Fuo’o said the benefits of the Directorship Programme will go beyond governance skill building.
“It is beneficial to our personal growth and confidence, developing strong leadership, decision making ability in the boardroom and way to add value to our respective organisations,” the SICCI Chairman told participants.
"The purpose of the program is to develop governance. Participants will gain an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of being in a governance role. Together we will examine the opportunities for participants to support effective governance and how to influence relationships, create an environment based on trust and respect and build individual’s leadership capability."
Mr. Fuo’o acknowledged the significance of the governance training, noting that strategic clarity at the Board level can go a long way in influencing positive change at the operational level.
“Governance plays an essential role in defining leadership and management practices that ensure long-term success.
“A high-performing board can make all the difference when it comes to long-term corporate success - and implementing best corporate governance practices is a key board responsibility,” he said.
He said such training can no longer be considered for big companies and organizations only and insisted that providing executive education and relevant board of directors training programs, must be integrated in all companies, churches, civil society and government agencies to increase performance.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ms. Natalina Hong said the Chamber is committed to improving Boards and company-owning structures through this programme.’
“There continues to be a need to train up more individuals in this area, as it means that there will be more diversity in the domestic pool to draw Board Directors, and CEOs from.
“At the moment, this pool is very limited. Also, the training method of learning from curated examples, such as discussions around case-studies and sharing of international best-practice is ideal, as it will improve decision making process and leadership within the country’s boardrooms,” she said.
At the end of this year’s offering, this represents 100 Directors, CEOs and Senior Managers having been educated in international best practice Board governance.
As the peak body representing private sector in the country, SICCI is proud to be offering this high calibre programme in the Solomon Islands. Not only targeting SOEs and multinational companies, it is an extremely relevant course also for family-owned businesses who are thinking of enhancing governance and formalising strategy.
SICCI Board members and CEO’s have participated in this programme since the first delivery.
Current SICCI Chairman, CEO and Board members of the Chamber, Ms. Namoi Kaluae and Daniel Tucker are participants in the programme this year.
First delivered in-country in 2018, participants have come from various industries in the country including construction, tourism, agribusiness, industrial goods, water and power utilities, fisheries, media and telecommunications.
Meanwhile, SICCI Chair, Mr. Fuo’o acknowledge Solomon Water and the New Zealand High Commission for their contributions in sponsoring some of this year’s participants.
He also thanked the Australian High Commissioner for hosting participants to meet and greet the alumni of the Directorship Programme, SICCI Sponsors and other important stakeholders at his residence on Thursday this week.
Source: SICCI Media