A senior Solomon Islands citizen, Dr. John Roughan, says the new government has a wonderful chance to start off the next two years with an investment bang.

He says the government has no power to change the prices of certain commodities, but it can begin to work on the country's food security.

Dr. Roughan made this comment in view of complaints about the increases in prices of goods in the country.

He says Solomon Islands must lessen its dependence upon Australia or any other nation for its food security.

Dr. Roughan says the 110 million dollars Solomon Islands pays out yearly to import rice, flour, corn and other goods must stop because the country can't afford it and instead, the government should invest half of that amount, or 50 million dollars, on the country's women farmers.

He added that instead of depending upon rice and flour, Solomon Islanders would benefit more if they change their eating habits and ate more kumara, pana, yam and other local food.

He says Solomon Islands women farmers, experienced and knowledgeable, working the nation's rich soil make a perfect investment opportunity.
Instead of sending hard earned money to Australia and New Zealand, Solomon Islanders should keep it in country and invest in their own people's food protection.