With the recent instances of Pay Rise & Entitlement demands and now the very questionable distribution of the RCDF monies, now is the time for every Solomon Islander to do their absolute best to rid the country of the rotten egg Parlimentarians that have dogged our Country for many years.

The Solomon Islands have made great inroads over the past few years to claw back its standing as a responsible nation, we must continue to push forward and not to drop back into the depths of despair and play into the hands of some greedy MP's.

As a very good example right now, the country must insist on some form of Accountability with full, open & honest visibility regarding the distribution of the RCDF monies. Full disclosure of where funds go, to whom, by name, receipts for purchases and full description of how these funds are to be used to benefit the community as a whole.

To the future MP's & Leaders of the Country - the eyes of the Pacific & the World are upon you, stand up, be honest, be fully accountable and most importantly be responsible to your fellow countrymen & women and develop the Solomon's to be the forefront in the Pacific nations. Do it now or get out - retire and go fishing!