Dear editor,

Please allow me to express my view regarding the above subject. It was interesting to learn that the MPs want their salaries to increase. The same support MPs have towards increase in their salaries will be different if the RCDF to be handle by a different government body. Probably hundred percent of the parliament will oppose it because they need that money to win on the next election. Most MPs in their terms do nothing for the constituency they represents. Now they want salary increase to satisfy their campaigning strategies. All they do is save-up to this last minute towards the election to lure voters. Even there are penalties put on bribery, MPs will not be easy to be prosecuted. With the case of Solomon Islands, it is unlikely to expect someone to confess he or she is being bribe. Even bribe will not refer as bribe, for instance some may term it as helping/assistance. Bribe will be in many forms, and I believe any last minute assistance of MPs towards the constituency he represent is a bribe, by looking at the intention.

The financial pressure, limit knowledge on political issues by the majority of the population, and other similar issues will always put back the corrupt MPs back to parliament. Progress of the country will determine by who we vote in this up coming election, and since few percent know what is going on, the philosophy of "light at the end of the tunnel" will not be apply to us. Only self-save MPs who wants to remain in parliament to at least fulfill what a country's parliament look is like. Thank you and God bless our happy isles.