Thank you editor,

To me, this news (female Chinese arrested for Kwaso) further confirmed one of the claims that some of our Chinese friends, some of whom get their work permits and PRs within weeks and months upon their arrivals are venturing into all kinds of businesses in Solomon Islands. Some even sell betel nut, leaf and lime in their general retail shops.

Just recently, I've heard an allegation that some of our Chinese friends are also sending some of our locals with various merchandise to sell along the streets. Such practice is also illegal according to HCC in one of the recent news reports.

Some of our own locals have also alleged that, most of the new commercial rooms for rent in and around Honiara are usually booked in advance by our Chinese friends for their new community members who just or about to arrive in Solomon Islands.

In the light of such claims and allegations, I think our government should take more action in having some form of control in the interest of our own local people who are struggling to make ends meet. There should be some form of control that can protect and encourage our own people to participate in some form of legal business enterprises. On the other hand, our Chinese friends in this case should have some measure of control on the types of business they may involve in.

No gud, when we want some funds from RCDF for piggery, chicken or fish project, Chinese garem too and they have their markets to sell their products; when we want RCDF or loan for bus or taxi, Chinese ranem staka bus and taxi too. Although competition is good for price and quality, I still want to think that, there should be some form of tough control in place.