Thank you Editor for allowing me freedom to express some thoughts of mine to my fellow brothers and sister of SDA in the Solomon Islands. In fact I really just want to thank the SDA schools in the Solomon Islands for their support in naturing our human resources. SDA have alot of their mission schools established in the Solomon compare to other Pacific Islands. Thumbs up to SDA organisation.

However, I always wonder how many people, converted to SDA, know the underlying truth about SDA? The Holy Book (BIBLE) 'tells us that the truth shall set you free' (John 8:32-33, Roman 8:36)

I pray that God will open the eyes of those who seek him to see the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ by faith and come to know his boundless love which was shared on the cross for you and me. Jesus done it all on the cross and gave us NEW HOPE so that you and me can enjoy and glorify him in our daily life.