When climetologist, evironmentalist, Scientist and the world renown scholars are putting their brains, effort, time and money to see how the world can avert possible disasters resulting from climate change, Mr. Fairfax from Australia is still gathering data to make sense of all these. When world leaders gathered at Pozan, Poland last week to look at climate change issues, Fairfax is still trying to come into terms what what these is all about. When 40 families of Carterets Atolls are to be resettle in Bourgainville as a result of sea level rise, Mr. Fairax still believe sea level rise is such a myth based on non scientific data. Of course, any measure of sea leve rise is to be experienced world wide and not only in some places but why should you compare Australia to Ontong Java or Carterets. These are atolls that are about or less than a meter above sea level and so 1 cm sea level rise is of significance risks to these islands compared to yours in Australia. Issues of sea level rise are not only being discussed in climate change meetings and in media as this, it is being felt by people of these Atolls. It is a real life situation. If sea level does not affect you from the comfort of your beautiful home, do not belittle the issue of climate change and sea level rise. As for the depletion of fish stock in Solomon Islands, I have not sighted that either as a published or anecdotal report.